What Do You Want?

If you could wave the magic wand

In 1984 I manifested a Chinese Shar-pei puppy. In 2008, my soul mate husband. At age 40 I went on to manifest a brand new career in a whole new industry in the middle of my life replacing all of my income and a whole lot more joy, meaning and purpose.

Envisioning and manifesting the world you want to experience is an art and a skill. Intentionally harnesses the power of universal intelligence and align with it to work on your behalf to create your dreams. Vision who you want to be, how you want to show up, and what experience you want to have. How do you want to contribute to your life and world?

Dedicating your time and participation as a co-creator to manifest Your Living Vision and life you love, is an sacred act of inner leadership.

Sign Up Right Now

Design, craft, and architect your Living Vision harnessing the power of
universal intelligence to create your dreams.

In this Pre-Recorded Replay you will:

  • Learn the tools and the process necessary to mastermind your 2024 Living Vision

  • Align yourself with your dreams

  • Bring clarity to your intentions and what you want to create

  • Find tangibility in who you want to BE

  • Gain the confidence to believe your dream is possible

  • Activate your authentic power to manifest your best life

  • Download Donna Bond's 12 Magical Secrets to Manifestation

Hear from a participant of
Master Manifest Your Living Vision

In this video replay you can expect to

  • Get the formula for abundance

    Donna shares her formula for abundance and manifestation. This is an art and a skill. Understand the nuance to bringing your dreams into reality.

  • Get the download of Donna's 12 Magical Secrets for Manifestation

    While the secrets are sprinkled throughout the training, with access you can download the entire list increasing your awareness for the possibilities in your life.

  • Create Your Living Vision

    Apply what you've learned in real time and use the time in this training to create your own Living Vision on any area of your life that you desire a different experience.

Master Manifestor

Donna Bond is a co-creator of extraordinary new possibilities. Throughout her life she has has manifested her soul mate husband, her fully paid for dream home, a meaningful career filled with soul-aligned purpose, a happy and healthy lifestyle and spiritual aliveness. Donna is a master manifester and she is going to share her secrets with you.

Learn directly from a woman who really walks her talk and who has proven repeatedly that aligning with Universal Intelligence yields results.

Get clear about not only what you want, but more importantly, who do you want to be? Manifest your life not only in the outer world, but bring real clarity to the experience to what you want to experience inside of you.

Do you want more happiness, peace, joy, meaning, purpose, fulfillment and love?? Perhaps it’s more confidence, self-reliance, and resilience. Maybe more serenity, calm and peace of mind. Whatever it is, you have the power to create it. Learn from master teacher and spiritual coach Donna Bond.

There is great power when a group of people align their intentions with the powers of the universe.

Your Participation Energetically Fuels Your Heartfelt Intentions.

Pricing Includes

Pre-Recorded Workshop with Donna Bond. Downloadable worksheet to Master Manifest Your Living Vision and Donna's Secret manifestation formula.