Love is a verb.
It's time to take action.

It's never too late to start reimagining your life. 

You're feeling exhausted and uncertain. You're questioning your position and your higher purpose. 

You're unfulfilled. 

You've lost sight of YOU. 

The TRUE YOU is EXACTLY what you're searching for.

And it's where your authentic power resides.

So how do you find your way back? 

This is where I come in. 28-years in Corporate Land. I get it. 

It's past the time for change. 

It's time to empower yourself with an inner knowing, authentic empowerment, inner esteem and grounded resolve. Even what you judge as your worst self - would dare not test you.

This is not the day-tripping to the spa kind of woo-woo-self-love. This is empowered action from a place of compassion. This is inner leadership with fierce tenderness. This is your most cherished friend calling. 

This is learning to listen and lead your life by the call from the highest part of you. The part that is made of Unconditional Love. 

This is Whole Self Mastery©.

Empower the Authentic You

Attention: Visionaries, Leaders, CEO's

Empower Your Inner Strength

Empower the Authentic You - Awaken Your Higher Purpose

An awakening is happening. A reimagining. Authentic Empowerment is a Way of Being that supports you in being true to who you really are. It's time to reclaim your true power and find the inner strength you've had all along. Join us in the revolution, along with a small group of like-minded women starting October 25th, 2022.

Experience the inexhaustible strength, resilience, and original wisdom of your Authentic Self.

How The Course Transforms You

Love is compassion in action. Take the steps to awaken your purpose, honor your epic journey, reclaim your true worth, and empower your highest self. Be fully alive.

  • Stop Suffering

    Stop judging yourself and making yourself wrong in the search for meaning. Learn how to tap into your Original Wisdom – the knowing of your Highest Self.

  • Trust Yourself

    Approach uncertainty and change with confidence. Your perceived self-worth is rooted in acceptance and amplifies empowered action. Source your esteem from an inside place.

  • Find Your Motivation

    Engage with your wholeness. Unlock the unique code to your fullest expression by following the life-giving clues on your path. Experience inner clarity and feel true freedom.

  • Solve Problems in New Ways

    Donna doesn't solve problems for you or tell you how to live your life. She teaches you new ways to relate to things and how to solve problems for yourself.

"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive."

– Joseph Campbell

The Experience

In this exclusive 9-week Live Group coaching masterclass you will learn to access your authentic power, awaken your higher purpose and achieve the forward momentum you need to experience meaningful levels of growth and success in your life. Get access to 1-on-1 coaching, a like-minded community of powerful women, Opportunities for Transformation and much more!

  • Reimagine a richer life experience guided by a Master Certified Teacher

  • Reclaim your personal power and practice courage in a safe space

  • Grow confident in being seen as the true you with live group coaching

  • Move forward with Opportunities for Transformation between classes

Is it the Great Resignation?

or a Re-Imagination


I'm Donna Bond, a master certified spiritual Life & Business Coach.

And I walked away from a quarter of a million-dollar gig to share this message with you.

The Great Resignation. You've heard about it. Arianna Huffington has called it the Great Re-Evaluation. I prefer the Great Re-imagination. Whatever you call it, it's right on time. 

I walked away from my executive position in 2014, a step or two ahead of the Great Resignation curve, but I'm now poised to support people in benefitting from my first-hand experience.

Maybe you're dreaming of quitting, perhaps you already took the plunge and are wondering, now what?  Or, you just know there's something MORE.

Your instincts are leading you on the right path.

What's happening is a direct reflection of people everywhere awakening to the intuitive sense that there has to be a different way to live. 

Let's face it. A "work-life" balance, doesn't work. We are not machines. What needs to emerge is WHOLE-life balance. 

For decades before, millions of us fell into step and fell asleep. In so doing, the monotonous, regimented day-to-day grind has squelched your life force and dimmed your Spirit in such a way that you're in constant survival mode. 

Now we are waking up. And we are taking our power back.

You cannot stop what wants to be expressed from inside of you. This is your entelechy - your fullest expression, like a mighty tree from a tiny acorn.

This Re-Imagination is really asking, "Who did you come here to be in this life? How will you live into your entelechy?"

What do you imagine it looks like to live into your fullest realized expression in this life? Another way to ask the question is, what brings you life? What infuses life-force energy into you?

Because the Great Resignation is all about THAT.

The problem goes beyond burnout. The way in which we have been living is extinguishing people's spirits.

This is your one precious life. You are here to experience full expression. You can only be that by engaging with all of you - th true authentic you.

You are here to activate the inner code to release what makes you feel most alive – to experience your fullest expression and the Life Force that's rooted in unconditional love. To embody your original wisdom and all of its power.

I'm here to guide the way.

Read the full article here.

Empower the True You

Find enduring resilience and grounded confidence by harnessing the power of your Original Wisdom.

"This work with you is profound!"

Abbi K.

That's my word for the many transformations I am experiencing. When I work with Donna, I fall into my heart and my intuitive self takes over. I feel so supported, loved, acknowledged, and encouraged and I find so much freedom! All without feeling like I am bad or wrong.

"Empower the Authentic You is EXACTLY what the title says."

Sanya B

It is a master-course packed with information that will change your perception. I've got two Masters degrees in Psychology and thought, what am I going to learn? Let's just say it blew my mind, so much that I insisted my brothers who are both physicians attend it and they were floored by how much they learned. They are changing in beautiful ways no one thought was possible.

"Donna is a treasure!"

Dr. Heidi Z.

Besides her impressive credentials and rich life experience, she brings to the table practical and uniquely intuitive words of wisdom, tools and support that are nothing less than life-changing. She has a unique ability to connect with her clients and audience in a deep and meaningful way, regardless of background. Whether coaching one on one or attending one of her retreats, you will find yourself nourished, inspired, connected in a way that leaves you ready to create your most fulfilled life. I am blessed to walk this journey with her.

"Brilliant-Organic-Intuitive Guidance -Heart-Truth-Action-Life Changing!"

Louise-Marie G

My time with Donna Bond not only put my life into action but brought me a sense of peace and balance that opened my levels of loving and embracing my life beyond imagination. She commands a space of heart centered knowing when you are in her presence while she taps into the depths of your inner being and assists you in expressing your unique best self. Donna is truly a beacon of Light and I feel so genuinely honored have her insight. My Light truly shines brighter after working with her.

Everything is unfolding just as it should for my highest good


"This class provided the knowledge and tools so I can learn to know myself better and my intentions for my life, especially in the areas that deserve attention... emotional and spiritual. I am going to surrender to the higher powers wisdom, guidance and love and TRUST that everything is unfolding just as it should for my highest good and the goodness of those around you. I am committed to slowing down and listening to the stillness inside me to learn even more about myself and the unique, special person I am."



"OMG I can’t get enough of Donna Bond!! She has changed my life and has helped me continue to connect with my Pure Love Essence as well as my authentic self. This is the Real stuff that they should be teaching in school. If you want to be awakened and empowered I highly recommend this course!"

Setting Yourself Up for Success


"Taking time for myself and personal growth/pursuits, leaning into creating and connecting. Recognizing the beauty and benefit of being. I no longer feel/believe I need to be "doing" al of the time. Clarifying intentions for growth and increased knowledge in areas that will support me in this chapter of life - financial, health, creative expression."

Inspired to take more action

Marcy"Taking time to go deep and ask myself powerful questions was part of what I loved most about ETAY, the group format coupled with private coaching was the key for me. I loved being around other women who shared and challenged me, but I also loved layering private coaching to make my experience much more personal and immersive. As a result of this class, I am empowered and inspired to take more action on asking my spirit guides for help."

I've begun to trust the Universe

Cheryl"I've taken the opportunity to make more time for myself and to spend time in a space where I can self reflect and really think about what makes me happy. I've begun to trust the universe and to look for signs that I may have overlooked in the past. I am better able to manage the negative or self defeating conversation that goes on in my head and to acknowledge and move on. I have a renewed tender spot for taking time to connect more deeply with my friends, family and associates."

Inspiring and Empowering


"Making dedicated time and space to reflect each week is essential to doing this work. The opportunity to connect with other women going through their own journeys and hear the way they connect with the concepts and employ them in their lives is inspiring and empowering."

9 Weeks of Group Coaching

Starting October 25th, 2022 - 4:30PM Central Time

  • 1

    A Warm Welcome

    • Welcome to Empower the Authentic You

    • Connecting with Community

  • 2

    Set Yourself Up for Success

    • Opening Your Mind to the Possibilities of a Co-Creative Partnership

    • What is Authentic Empowerment?

    • Opportunity for Transformation

  • 4

    2. Understand the Invisible World for Expansion

    • Understand the Invisible World for Expansion

    • Big Acknowledgment

    • Big Listening

    • Everything Is Energy

    • Energy Is Vibration

    • Vibrational Matches

    • Physical Reality & The Spiritual Terrain

    • Resistance

    • Transformation

    • Energy Flows Where Your Attention Goes

    • ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY - Experiencing Neutrality

    • Expansion & Contraction

    • Moving from "Against" towards "For"

    • Opportunity for Transformation - 7 Vibrational Frequency Alignment Practices ©

    • Let Us Know Your Thoughts!

  • 5

    3. The Power of Your Focus

    • My Story - You Cant' Make This $h!t Up!

    • The Actual Apple

    • Understanding How Thoughts Become Things

    • How Do We Create with Our Attention?

    • Why Is It So Hard to Let Go of Negative Thoughts?

    • Video - The Power Of Thought

    • How We Change Our Thinking

    • Illuminate Your Miscreations

    • Common Examples of MisCreations

    • ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY - Identifying Limiting Thoughts on Auto Play

    • Opportunity for Transformation - Illuminate Your MisCreations Process ©

    • Share Your Wisdom!

    • Closing Meditation

  • 6

    4. Cultivate Your Soul's Superpowers

    • Cultivate Your Soul's Superpowers

    • The Fish Hook

    • Transcending the "Hook"

    • From Your Higher Guidance

    • From The Ego

    • The Emotional Body

    • The Illogical Nature of Intuition

    • Upsetting The Apple Cart

    • Relating to Your Intuition's Specific Communication Channel

    • A Clue You Might Be Overriding Your Intuition

    • Who Are The Clairs?

    • Begin The Dialogue with Your Intuition

    • The Power of Neutral

    • ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY - Resting In Original Wisdom

    • Opportunity for Transformation Part 1 - Receiving Insights in the Light: What Are You Ready to Discover ©

    • Opportunity for Transformation Part 2 - Guided Meditation - The Light Behind the Door - What Are You Ready to Discover?

    • Closing Meditation

    • Your Voice Matters!

  • 7

    5. Believe In You

    • Let's Review!

    • Renewed Relationship to Your Self

    • Let's Review Pt. 2

    • How Your Beliefs Create Your World

    • Understand How Your Reality is Shaped

    • Limiting Beliefs

    • The Biology of Belief

    • Cut Your Parents Some Slack!

    • Our Beliefs are a Lens

    • Unconscious Beliefs

    • Repeat Patterns

    • Uncensored Reframe: What Do You Want To Believe?

    • The Highest Good

    • Recognizing Learning Opportunities

    • ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY - Awareness of Limiting Beliefs

    • Choice Points

    • How to Work With Yourself to Evolve Your Beliefs

    • A Reminder of Your Magnificence

    • Opportunity for Transformation - Name and Reframe Limiting Beliefs Process ©

    • Opportunity for Transformation - Limiting Belief Worksheet

    • Engage With Our Community!

  • 8

    6. Hang Up the How to Tap Into Cosmic Flow

    • Owning Your Power

    • The Power of Choice

    • A Dog Story

    • First Clue: Decision

    • Why You Can't Make A Wrong Move

    • Hang Up The How

    • The Difference Between Giving Up and Surrender

    • Life Is For You

    • ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY - Use Your Powers for Good

    • Do What You Can

    • How to Walk Through the Dark

    • Dream It Up! Unpacking "The Code"

    • Opportunity for Transformation - Magic Crystal Clarity What and Why Process ©

    • What Do You Want and Why Do You Want It Worksheet?

    • Share Your Wisdom!

    • Bonus #1 Access! Use Your Powers For Good

  • 9

    7. Activate Your Power to Align Your Life With Your Soul

    • I AM: A Tool For Transformation

    • The Magic Formula of I AM

    • The I AM Frequency

    • I AM Statements

    • Identifying Old Programming & Limiting Beliefs

    • Nurturing & Containing Your Dream

    • Re-Framing Limiting Beliefs

    • The Memory Of Water

    • The Outer & The Inner

    • Belief Systems and I AM


    • Three Balance Points You Need to Harmoniously Empower Your Life

    • I AM Reflections

    • Opportunity for Transformation: The Power Intention Activation Formula ©

    • Activating Intention Blank Worksheet

    • Connect With Community

    • Here is Bonus #2 - Sacred Truth Activation Audio Collection

  • 10

    8. Alchemize Your Fear Into Courage

    • 3 Types Of Fear

    • Irrational Fear Keeps Us Stuck

    • What Is Fear Really?

    • The Four Stages of Traversing Transformation

    • Empower Yourself From The Soul's Perspective

    • Expansion

    • Qualifications In Courage

    • Leap Of Faith

    • The Transcend Fear Process: Step 1

    • The Transcend Fear Process: Step 2

    • The Transcend Fear Process: Step 3

    • The Transcend Fear Process: Step 4

    • The Transcend Fear Process: Step 5

    • The Transcend Fear Process: Step 6

    • The Transcend Fear Process: Step 7

    • The Transcend Fear Process: Step 8

    • It Works If You Work It

    • ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY - The Alchemy of Fear

    • Opportunity for Transformation: Alchemizing Fear Into Courage Process ©

    • An Honor to Be With You

    • Your Voice Matters!

  • 11

    9. Proven Paths to Raise Your Vibrational Frequency

    • The Miracle Of Gratitude

    • The Vibration Of Gratitude

    • "Active Appreciation" A term I coined

    • The Benefits of Gratitude and Appreciation

    • Perceived Failures

    • Destination Addiction with Robert Holden

    • Life Is Happening Now

    • Loving All of It

    • Opportunity for Transformation - The Gravel to Gift Method ©

    • ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY - Self-Acknowledgement and Celebration

  • 12

    Higher Human Integration ™ Method

    • Review: Mind Set

    • Review: Heart Set

    • Review: Skill Set

    • Review: Soul Set

    • Completion and Acknowledgment

    • Share your biggest take away!

    • Congratulations! You Did It!

Your investment

Enroll with a one time payment and save $328. Add 3 private one on one coaching sessions. We meet on Tuesdays for 9 weeks at 4:30PM CNT beginning October 25, 2022.

Donna Bond

Catalyst for Personal Transformation & Spiritual Life and Business Coach

Professionally certified life and business coach with a Masters's degree in Spiritual Psychology with an emphasis in Consciousness, Health, and Healing. Soul-centered facilitator supporting people to achieve the life that lights them up!