This is About You and You

You Can Trust Your Sweet Self

What would it be like if the only person you needed to check with, is you? How would it feel in your body to believe in yourself, your ideas, your own value? Who would you be in the world if you started trusting yourself at the deepest level? We don’t trust ourselves because we’ve been taught to place our power in things and stuff and people outside ourselves. We’ve been taught that we are not “good enough” so we intrinsically place our trust and value into everyone else.

About The Mini-Class

For everyone who is ready to reclaim their inherent power.

  • 4-Part Video Training

    In this 4-part video series, we'll share three invitations you can accept right now that immediately begin to cultivate self-trust inside yourself.

  • Inner Inquiries

    You can just listen or you can do the real work. You can go inside and begin to listen to yourself. Truly hearing and seeing yourself is the first step in strengthening the relationship with YOU. Acknowledge your own thoughts and feelings by creating the time and space for journaling prompts and your own inner revelations.

  • Master Certified

    Your guidance comes someone who has walked the path herself and has the real-world credentials. A professionally certified Life and Business Coach with a Masters in Spiritual Psychology, Donna Bond is a catalyst for personal transformation and an Ignitor of Light.

Begin Your Inner Journey Here

Learn 3 powerful ways you can begin to cultivate a deeper sense of Trust with the most important person in your life. You!

You Don't Have a Lot of Time

So, I get right to the point. No fluff. No long intro's. I am not trying to sell you something. I am sharing three powerful ways you can begin to transform your experience right now.

  • Begin living into the choices you make for your life.

  • Drop the inner-critic and self sabotage.

  • Stop feeling victimized by life's unpredictability.

Course curriculum

3-Video Mini-Series

  • 1

    3 invitations for a deeper level of Self Trust

    • Warm Welcome Invitations to Self Trust with Donna Bond

  • 2

    First Invitation to a Deeper level of Self Trust

    • First Invitation to Self Trust

  • 3

    Second Invitation to a Deeper level of Self Trust

    • Second Invitation to Self Trust

  • 4

    Third Invitation to a Deeper Level of Self Trust

    • Third Invitation to a Deeper level of Self Trust

  • 5

    How to Empower Your Original Wisdom

    • Empower the Authentic You

Ready for Coaching?

When you know it's time for change.

When accepting the three invitations for a deeper level of self-trust, you may realize there are other invitations that can support you in beginning to show up for yourself in more empowering ways. If you are ready to begin relating to yourself in a different way, to do the work, and to walk your own path of personal transformation, enroll today in Empower the Authentic You a two-Month Group Coaching Journey that will support you in cultivating empowerment from an inside place.

Donna Bond

The Executive’s Spiritual Coach | Bestselling Author | Founder; Consciousness Rising, Inc.

Donna Bond, M.A., is a modern-day High Priestess, Healer, and Soul-Centered Catalyst for Personal Transformation. As the founder of Consciousness Rising, Inc., she awakens women into their authentic power and supports individuals in aligning with the wisdom of their soul through her transformative work. For more information visit

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