Hi! I'm Donna Bond, a master certified spiritual Life & Business Coach.
And I walked away from a quarter of a million-dollar gig to share this message with you.
The Great Resignation. You've heard about it. Arianna Huffington has called it the Great Re-Evaluation. I prefer the Great Re-imagination. Whatever you call it, it's right on time.
I walked away from my executive position in 2014, a step or two ahead of the Great Resignation curve, but I'm now poised to support people in benefitting from my first-hand experience.
Maybe you're dreaming of quitting, perhaps you already took the plunge and are wondering, now what? Or, you just know there's something MORE.
Your instincts are leading you on the right path.
What's happening is a direct reflection of people everywhere awakening to the intuitive sense that there has to be a different way to live.
Let's face it. A "work-life" balance, doesn't work. We are not machines. What needs to emerge is WHOLE-life balance.
For decades before, millions of us fell into step and fell asleep. In so doing, the monotonous, regimented day-to-day grind has squelched your life force and dimmed your Spirit in such a way that you're in constant survival mode.
Now we are waking up. And we are taking our power back.
You cannot stop what wants to be expressed from inside of you. This is your entelechy - your fullest expression, like a mighty tree from a tiny acorn.
This Re-Imagination is really asking, "Who did you come here to be in this life? How will you live into your entelechy?"
What do you imagine it looks like to live into your fullest realized expression in this life? Another way to ask the question is, what brings you life? What infuses life-force energy into you?
Because the Great Resignation is really all about THAT.
The problem goes beyond burnout. The way in which we have been living is extinguishing our spirit.
This is your one precious life. You are here to experience full expression. You can only be that by engaging with all of you - the true authentic you.
You are here to activate the dynamic inner code to awaken what makes you feel most alive – to experience your fullest expression and your Life Force which is rooted in unconditional love. You are here to embody your Original Wisdom and all of its authentic power.
You've got to make the walk. I'm here to guide the way.
Read the full article here.