Ignite Your Light monthly membership is a sacred space designed to support you in gaining clarity about your life and even more brilliance shining your light.

SOUL GATHERING is 3rd Monday of the month

Ignite Your Light

A Human's Monthly Membership for Growth & Community

As you continue to rise in consciousness you know returning to your Divine loving nature, is a process. Coming home to yourself, together in soulful community gives you the altitude to remove the blocks casting shadows on your Light.

Learning to love all of your sweet self infuses the courage to shine your light and stand more fully in your wholeness.

Save with an annual purchase or choose monthly billing. Enrollment opens every 3-months and we ask that you commit to a minimum 3-month stay with us.

Your Ripple Effect Changes the World


About This Community

For everyone who knows they're made of Love.

  • Live Monthly Soul Gatherings Each Month

    On the 3rd Monday of every month we come together Live on zoom at 3PM Pacific Time to intentionally step out of the fray and align with our Original Wisdom - the inherent intelligence in all Beings, rooted in unconditional love.

  • Opportunities for Transformation

    Each month as our topic comes into view you will receive questions or invitations for contemplation. Soul Gatherings will offer partner and solo processes. And inspiration has you as the recipient of other personal growth opportunities being channeled through Donna. Receive guided meditations and more. Invite Exploration, Revelation, Reclamation and Declaration of what is true inside of you.

  • Master Certified

    Your guidance comes from a professionally certified Life and Business Coach with a Masters in Spiritual Psychology with an emphasis in Consciousness, Health and Healing. And, from someone who has walked her talk first-hand in her own transformation.

Come Together in Community with
Soul-Hearted Humans

Align Your Higher Self with Your Human Self and Shine Your Brilliant Self

Shine On

We've bought into the misunderstanding that we are supposed to "go it alone". But the Truth is, we don't have to and we don't need to. As we come together in community, life is reflected in beautiful, heart-opening ways and paths of learning unfold as we bear witness to miracles.

  • Gift yourself the gift of a soul nurturing "time out" each month

  • Support yourself with a safe, neutral space to explore and express your Truth

  • Belong to a like minded, Soul-Hearted community and cultivate authentic connection and friendships

  • Come home to a place to reenergize, replenish and recharge your True self

Watch Intro Video

Irina's Heartfelt Share of Her Experience

Igniting Your Light

Inside Ignite Your Light

  • 1

    All The Details

    • Soul Gathering Dates

    • Zoom Link

  • 2


  • 3


    • 27 Devotional Practices to Honor Your Original Wisdom

  • 4

    Original Wisdom Reading Room

    • Introduction to The Original Wisdom Reading Room

    • The Original Wisdom Reading Room

  • 5

    Meditations & Clearings

    • Clearing Invocation

    • Guided Meditation- The Light Behind the Door - What Are You Ready to Discover About Yourself?

    • Understanding The Chakras

    • Chakra Meditation

  • 6

    Processes & Tools

    • End of The Year Ritual: Self Acknowledgment Process

    • Active Appreciation Process

  • 7

    Learnings & Information

    • 7 Keys to Awaken Your Entelechy Download

    • Sacred Truth Activation Audio Collection

  • 8

    Monthly Soul Gatherings

    • June 2024 - Evolving Your Relationship to Life

    • May 2024 Soul Gathering- Put it on the Platter

    • April 2024 Soul Gathering- Decoding the Dream w/Madeline Giles

    • March 2024 Soul Gathering- The Power of Words to Shape Our Experience

    • February 2024 Soul Gathering- Trust What Makes You Come Alive

    • January 2024 Soul Gathering- Essence

    • December 2023 Soul Gathering- Self Acknowledgement

    • November 2023 Soul Gathering - Freeing Our Silenced Voices

    • October 2023 Soul Gathering - What Are We Adding to the Cosmic Soup?

When You Enroll Before Dec 31, 2023

Receive these valuable bonus gifts

  • Jewels from the Treasure Chest

    Eight little gems that immediately uplift and expand your awareness and experience, inviting an immediate shift out of limitation & lack and into higher altitude of potential & possibility. Enrich the experience of your consciousness with these jewels.

  • Original Wisdom Reading Room

    Get the list and the links to Donna's favorite books. Uplift your awareness and deepen your knowledge with the most valuable reads that offer great support and higher consciousness as you continue to deepen on your path.

  • 28 Proven, Practical, Practices to stay devoted to your Original Wisdom

    28 ways to stay devoted to your Original Wisdom. Support yourself, inspire creativity, and be in reverence as you refine and strengthen your Original Wisdom so you can live from your inherent gifts of loving, joy and aliveness.

Need More clarity?

Check Our Our Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is included in Ignite Your Light?

    Your membership includes: Monthly LIVE Soul Gatherings with Donna, Opportunities for Transformation, Original Wisdom Reading Room, Access to the Original Wisdom Online Community Space and more!

  • When does my membership begin?

    Your membership begins as soon as you join. You will receive a Welcome Message from Donna.

  • What are the dates of the monthly Soul Gatherings?

    The Soul Gatherings are every 3rd Monday of the month at 3PM PST | 4PM MNT | 6PM EST. The dates for the Soul Gatherings are: June 17, 2024 July 15, 2024 Aug 19, 2024 Sep 16, 2024 Oct 21, 2024 Nov 18, 2024 Dec 16, 2024

  • Can I access the content via multiple devices?

    Yes, you can access the content via multiple devices - computer, tablet and mobile. You will need to log into your account on the learning platform to have access to the members' area.

  • What if I can't attend the Soul Gathering?

    No problem! All Soul Gatherings are recorded and will be uploaded to the learning platform within 48 hours.

  • Can I download content from the learning platform?

    The content is not downloadable. You have access to the content for the duration of your membership.

  • Do I still have access to the learning platform if I cancel?

    Once you cancel you will no longer have access to the content in the membership area.

  • Is there a Refund Policy?

    Yes, you can request a refund within 30 days of the membership start date. Email us at [email protected] and we will walk you through the process. When your membership renews, you will have 30 days from the renewal date to cancel your membership.

  • What if I'm still not sure?

    We'd be happy to answer any questions you still have! Please reach out to [email protected] and let us know what feels unclear. We'd love to support you in enlisting this level of support for yourself.

I get closer to my soul

Dr. Reanna K

Any time I work with Donna Bond I get closer to my soul, my truth, my authenticity. These monthly soul gatherings are accountability for my human self and my spiritual self, and the way Donna provides support and a loving space is always so welcoming, raw, real, encouraging, and warm. I can’t say enough about the power of her work, I am so eternally grateful 🦋💜

An hour with Donna is like having a Soul lift.

Natasha P.

The monthly Soul Gatherings is a perfect compliment to not only Donna's courses but literally any kind of self care routine that you've discovered for yourself, whether you're new to self discovery or not. The safe space she creates opens me up for sharing and receiving in a way that makes me feel like I'm taking one big leap into the next elevated level of my life each time. I look forward to them all month.

THE BEST investment I made in myself

Irina V

3 years ago I started working with you. It was the scariest decision to make, to commit to pay “that kind of money”. But it was THE BEST investment I made in myself - because I found the answers I was looking for, the Love I forgot I’m surrounded with, the Light which was always inside me. And look where I am now!!! 🙌🏻💫💜 Thank you for appearing when I was ready to meet my authentic self 🙏🏻💖

This work with you is profound!

Abbi K

Yep! That’s my word for all the many profound transformations I am experiencing. When I work together with you, I fall into my heart and my intuitive self takes over, it’s like a free fall. I feel so supported, loved, acknowledged and encouraged that I am able to finally uncover so much heavy unconscious stuff and find so much freedom! ALL WITHOUT FEELING LIKE I AM BAD OR WRONG!!!

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Learn more about the path of personal transformation and how to empower your authentic self on your epic human journey.

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