A Mini Audio Course

In this audio course learn to decipher the voice of the ego and how to take inspired action on your intuitive knowing.

  • 1

    Your Soul is Trying to Get Your Attention!

    • Welcome - Before You Begin

    • Welcome to Cultivating Your Intuition

    • I Had a Fishhook All the Way Through My Left Breast!

    • There is another way! Don't Let Your Belief System Hold You Back

    • Decipher Information from Your Ego

    • Learn to Relate To Your Intuition

    • How to Know When You're Overriding Your Intuition

    • Guided Mediation

    • Congratulations Youve Completed the Coursel

    • Opportunity for Transformation - Take Action

    • Keep Going: Real Transformation Requires Action!

Your Soul Is Calling!

Did you know, everyone is intuitive?

In today's society we have not been taught how to relate to the higher wisdom-filled part of ourselves known as intuition. 

In this audio series Cultivating Your Intuition you will learn how to to do just that. Gain knowledge of the different ways your intuition speaks to you and how to use your intuition. Learn how to listen to the difference between information coming from your ego or intuition coming from your higher Self. After completing this course you will have a better mastery relating to your intuition and will keep tangible ideas, best practices and life-mastery tools to support yourself in hearing and responding to your own inner guidance system.